Where the wisdom of the past, present, and future of leadership comes together for the dignity and benefit of all.
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Our Horses

​A former Premarin mare rescued from a ranch in Saskatchewan, Canada, Goldilocks, or Goldi for short, has been the lead mare of our herd since 2006. Alert and vigilant in looking ahead for the benefit of the herd, she has a huge presence, and while she doesn't suffer fools lightly, she always has a soft place in her heart for children.


A former schooling horse, Dakota lived in a number of different places before he came to us in 2006. Our elder statesman, he is a true gentleman, and a leader's leader. A stoic and an introvert, he protects the herd from threats quietly and with dignity, but can also be a master trickster.
​Although Kody lost one eye to cancer several years ago, shortly before he came to us in 2010, he retains his wisdom, his curiosity, and his sly humor. Kody is the herd sentinel, quick to alert others to changing circumstances and shifting conditions. Gregarious and playful, he is our goofball guru.


The smallest member of the herd, Tuck is affectionate and playful, sensitive and easily offended, always wanting to be in the inner circle and seeking to make friends with everyone. Tuck evokes childlike devotion with his cutie-pie countenance and eagerness to interact, yet he requires that humans be very aware of their intentions and energy.
The youngest horse in the herd, Max is figuring out life. He came from a rescue situation very young in life, in which we are told his owner passed and the horses at his facility were starving…some dying, including his mother with whom he shared a stall. After spending time recovering in a shelter situation, he was adopted by a family who ended up donating him (and Buster) to the Foundation. He is the joker of the herd and is learning how to be part of it, and how to trust and be well-mannered around people.


Buster, like his herd-mate Max, was rescued from a dire situation several years ago, and after recovery at a shelter was adopted by a local family, who donated him to the Foundation. He and Max have spent most of their lives together. They are best buds and he tolerant of his “little brother’s” antics. Buster is still young and learning his place in the herd, but is an eager student. Wise beyond his years, he is making steady progress trusting people and accepting affection.
Want to meet our horses and get to know them better? We have the perfect opportunity for you! Register for one of our weekend Serenity Sessions and spend an hour long one-on-one time with a horse of your choice! Click here to sign up!