Where the wisdom of the past, present, and future of leadership comes together for the dignity and benefit of all.
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Leading for Change
A program tailor-made for community agents of change to help them endeavor to bring about a better present and future in the local and global collective.
This program is designed for change agents from the local community to help them make a meaningful and satisfying contribution to bettering their world. Participants will partner with horses and the natural world to bring relevant leadership frameworks to life in their heart-felt initiatives.

The goals are to identify and enhance the strengths that each individual brings. We also pinpoint and release where and how we get in our own way, bringing maximum potency and influence to our work. The program is experiential, interactive, and aims to be transformative. You are also eligible for a continuing education certificate. And, we get to play out in nature with horses!
This playshop is specially designed for individuals or teams/groups of change agents who wish to discover and practice what it takes to more effectively contribute to a more socially equitable and ecologically just world. The playshop will prepare you to enact a "new story" of practical and compassionate connectedness. You will use and amplify your passions, skills and gifts while gaining insights about how to reconnect from the natural world.
Over the 8-week period you will practice with a small community to play through a real-life organizational challenge that is important to you as you:
1)Find your place.
2) Build community.
3)Learn more about yourself and feel fulfilled doing so.

*First Nature Foundation is a Equine and Nature Facilitated Development center. We do not provide any form of equine therapy.*