Where the wisdom of the past, present, and future of leadership comes together for the dignity and benefit of all.
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Conflict as a Path to Collaboration
For groups and teams from corporations, non-profits, governments, and communities.
This introductory half-day program for leaders and teams doesn’t require any experience with horses...at all! After a brief course overview, we’ll set our individual and group intentions for the day, then explore how conflict reflects patterns in our workplaces, while in the presence of the herd. We’ll explore what is behind conflict and how using it can lead to better collaboration through practical examples. The program offer stools to start understanding and using conflict to get teams and groups moving to achieve better outcomes. We end with a conversation about what we learned and practices to experiment with, and finish by checking back in with our intentions.

This program’s purpose is to recognize how reduce conflict avoidance, which leads to impasses, gets in the way of executing on strategy, and causes disengagement and morale slump. We’ll explore a process for loosening up where our teams are stuck, and increase your ability to understand how diving into conflict can be much less painful than ignoring it and much more productive than trying to “make nice”. This short program offers a taste of starting to work with this key leadership skill.

This playshop focuses on the following:
How to recognize the deeper patterns at play so you can not stay stuck in a painful situation.
Techniques to immediately defuse or reduce conflict when it begins
Ways to stay more centered and grounded so there is less to regret when you get caught in a conflict situation.
Ways to shift perspective and recognize the benefit of conflict for better relationships and more productive, happier outcomes at home and at work.
What People Say About Conflict as a Path to Collaboration:​
​"I'm taking away that people are people. You have to know what is worth fighting for and what is worth just letting be."
- Karlyn I.
​"I'm taking away that I need to listen more, there are big feelings, and to identify the facts and recognize that we add the meaning" - Eva H.
*First Nature Foundation is a Equine and Nature Facilitated Personal and Professional Development center. We do not provide any form of equine therapy.*