Where the wisdom of the past, present, and future of leadership comes together for the dignity and benefit of all.
Your Donations are Tax Deductible.

Become A Sponsor
Becoming a sponsor means that you can make a huge impact in the lives of people in our local Central Florida community. We not only work with corporations to improve staff leadership skills and potential, but we specialize in working with groups of people who need more support like teens dealing with trauma and/or substance abuse, female survivors of domestic violence, men and veterans dealing with homelessness.
Additionally, we focus on encouraging our clientele to appreciate nature and all the things it can teach us if we are willing to listen. Your generous gift allows us to bring in more groups who need the tools and strategies we offer and to continue to serve under-served populations in our community.
We have two sponsorship programs to fit the impact you want to make, either supporting First Nature as whole with the entirety of its mission, or supporting an individual program that is geared toward serving a specific population of the community. See below to find out more about the two programs. You can also email us at kerul@firstnaturefoundation.org to get the full sponsorship packet!
First Nature Foundation Sponsorship Packages
Gallop Sponsor:
$5,000 tax deductible gift
Complimentary leadership playshop for your organization/team. Company name and logo on all press releases and newsletters. Company logo on website home page and sponsorship page. Quarterly social media posts (FB, IG, and LI). Your organization's logo on a banner in our classroom barn and much more.
Canter Sponsor:
$2,500 tax deductible gift
Company logo and name on all press releases and newsletters. Logo displayed on A/V. 2 posts via our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Logo displayed on digital brochures. Company logo on landing page and banner in barn.
Trot Sponsor:
$1,000 tax deductible gift
Company logo and name on all newsletters. Logo displayed on A/V. 2 posts via our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Company logo on event page and website.
Walk Sponsor:
$500 tax deductible gift
Company logo and name on all newsletters and email promotions. 1 post via our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Logo on event page and website & details on our sponsor page.
Program Sponsorship Packages
Horse Wisdom for Heroes Sponsor:
$5,000 tax deductible gift
Complimentary leadership playshop for your organization/team. Company name and logo on all press releases and newsletters. Company logo on website home page and sponsorship page. Quarterly social media posts (FB, IG, and LI). Your organization's logo on a banner in our classroom barn and much more.
Parents and Spouses of Suicide Sponsor:
$3,600 tax deductible gift
Company logo and name on all press releases and newsletters. Logo displayed on A/V. 2 posts via our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Logo displayed on digital brochures. Company logo on landing page and banner in barn.
Horses Healing Hearts Sponsor:
$1,200 tax deductible gift
Company logo and name on all newsletters. Logo displayed on A/V. 2 posts via our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Company logo on event page and website.
Horse Sense for Teens Sponsor:
$800 tax deductible gift
Company logo and name on all newsletters and email promotions. 1 post via our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). Logo on event page and website & details on our sponsor page.

When you are ready to become a sponsor and to begin making an impact with us, either click on the button below and go through the registration and payment, or email us at kerul@firstnaturefoundation.org!