Where the wisdom of the past, present, and future of leadership comes together for the dignity and benefit of all.
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About First Nature Foundation
Our Vision
Where the past, present, and future of leadership come together for the dignity and benefit of all.
Our Mission
At First Nature Foundation, our mission is to help program participants grow their emotional resilience, self-confidence, and self-awareness, by partnering with nature and our wise herd of horses, who help facilitate these outcomes.
At our beautiful and serene facility in Saint Cloud, we offer programs for a variety of audiences, including veterans, children, teens, and other audiences to evoke more of their innate potential for more success in school, career, relationships, and community. We also work with leaders and teams in organizations to enhance their capacities for engagement, collaboration, and generative outcomes.
Who We Work With
We work with leaders and teams in organizations to enhance their capacities for engagement, collaboration, and generative outcomes.
We also offer programs for children, teens, and adults to evoke more of their innate leadership potential for more success in school, career, relationships, and community.
In the process, we nurture a reverence for all sentient life, along with awareness of its inherent wisdom.
More about us:
Our programs are held at First Nature Ranch, a new, purpose-built facility in Osceola County:
• To help veterans in our Horse Wisdom for Heroes program, with teens in our Horses Healing Hearts program, and other audiences. Our aims are to assist in healing from mental health issues, PTSD, substance abuse, and suicide ideation. Our immediate program results show greater resilience and lower stress among our participants. Additional program focus areas are designed to foster greater personal life satisfaction, a sense of meaning, purpose, and hope, and to be of contribution within their communities.
• We offer Horseplay for Leaders programs for those in nonprofit and corporate leadership positions programs to develop keener and faster insight in their organizational arena, sturdier resilience in the face of change and challenge, foster an environment of collaboration and innovation, enhance relational and communications skills in themselves and others, and improve a variety of team and organizational development and management competencies.
"Nature is not matter only. She is also spirit.”
—Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Founder Of Analytical Psychology